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    Public Health Ph. D.

    IT   |   EN


    Coordinator: Prof. Umberto Galderisi

    PhD School: Life Sciences

    Administrative headquarters: Department of Experimental Medicine

    Point of reference for information: Dott. Vincenzo Laudando

    tel 0815667657 - e-mail: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. 

    Duration3 years

    Admission procedure:

    Assessment of qualification | Interview | English language proficiency

    Admission procedure for students with a non-Italian study degree:

    Assessment of qualification | Interview


    The application for the PhD programmes - XXXIX cycle, second selection, must be submitted exclusively using the appropriate online procedure, at the following link 


    Scientific Disciplinary fields:

    MED/01 Statistica Medica (Medical Statistics); MED/08 Anatomia Patologica (Pathological Anatomy); MED/17 Malattie Infettive (Infection Diseases); MED/42 Igiene Generale e Applicata (Applied and General Hygiene); MED/43 Medicina Legale (Forensic Medicine); MED/44 Medicina del Lavoro (Occupational Medicine); MED/45 Scienze Infermieristiche Generali, Cliniche e Pediatriche (General, Clinical, and Pediatric Nursing Sciences); MED/46 Scienze e Tecniche di Medicina di Laboratorio (Laboratory Medicine Sciences and Techniques); MED/50 Scienze Tecniche Mediche Applicate (Applied Medical Technical Sciences); BIO/11 Biologia Molecolare (Molecular Biology); BIO/13 Biologia Applicata (Applied Biology); IUS/09 Istituzioni di Diritto Pubblico (Public Law); SECS-P/07 Economia Aziendale (Business Economics).


    Info for PhD enrollment

    PhD Rules (in Italian)

    PhD Students’ duties

    International Welcome Desk



    Language courses - Rosetta Stone

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