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    Docenti CSA

    Giuseppina Rosaria UMANO

    Insegnamento di PEDIATRICS

    Corso di laurea magistrale a ciclo unico in MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA

    SSD: MED/38

    CFU: 3,00


    Periodo di Erogazione: Primo Semestre


    Lingua di insegnamento



    Neonatologia: classificazione del neonato, score di APGAR, esame obiettivo
    Allattamento materno ed in formula
    Alimentazione complementare
    Immunizzazione attiva in pediatria
    Rischio cardiovascolare
    Apparato gastointestimnale: celiachia, MICI, RGE
    Apparato urinario: IVU, sindrome nefrosica

    Obiettivi formativi

    Gli obiettivi formativi del Corso sono quelli di instradare gli studenti ad acquisire le competenze necessarie per diagnosticare le più frequenti patologie dell'età pediatrico adolescenziale, stabilire i principali test diagnostici e esami strumentali da richiedere ed impostare la terapia

    Metodologie didattiche

    Lezioni frontali con l’ausilio di presentazioni Powerpoint. Presentazione di casi clinici reali. Simulazione di casi clinici con possibilità da parte degli studenti di richedere esami di laboratorio ed esami strumentali, proporre la diagnosi e decidere la terapia. Tirocinio in ambulatorio di Pediatria e lezioni con pazienti.


    Teaching language



    Neonatology: classification of the the newborn, APGAR score, clinical examination in neonatology
    Breastfeeding, Formula feeding, Complementary Feeding
    Active immunization in pediatric age
    Cardiovascular risk
    IBD, GERD, Coeliac disease
    UTI, Nephrotic syndrome

    Textbook and course materials

    Recommended Textbook: Nelson - “Essentials of Pediatrics” by Karen J. Marcdante and Robert M. Kliegman – Seventh edition – Elsevier Editor

    Course objectives

    The purpose of the course is to train Students to learn the competences necessary to become able to diagnose the most frequent pathologies of pediatric age, to establish the laboratory tests and the most important instrumental exams and to decide the therapy.

    Teaching methods

    Classroom taught lessons with usage of audiovisuals. Simulation of clinical cases with the possibility for the Students to request laboratory tests and instrumental exams to propose diagnosis and to decide the therapy. Traineeship in Pediatrics outpatient

    Evaluation methods

    The Students will be evaluated not only at the time of the exam but also during the lessons through the feedback they will give to the Teacher. Questions during and at the end of each lesson are welcome. We'll always leave ten or more minutes at the end of every lesson to discuss the specific subject.

    Other information

    It is strongly recommended to follow assiduously all the lessons

    Course Syllabus

    Program of the Course of Pediatrics 2022-2023
    Prof Dario Iafusco
    Prof. Giuseppina Umano (Cultore della Materia)

    - Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 (autoimmune)
    - Diabetic Ketoacidosis
    - Autoimmune Thyroiditis
    - Coeliac disease
    - Non Autoimmune Diabetes and Monogenic Diabetes
    - MODY-1
    - MODY-2
    - MODY-3
    - MODY-5
    - Mitochondrial diabetes
    - Neonatal Diabetes
    - Development of the baby from newborn to adulthood
    - Definition of newborn
    - Definition of infant
    - Definition of preschool child
    - Definition of school child
    - Definition of adolescent
    - Promotion of breastfeeding and breast milk composition
    - Rooming in
    - Feeding with formuled milk
    - Fomon rule
    - Diet in the first year of life: the weaning
    - Diet of the preschool child
    - Diet of the school child
    - Diet of the adolescent
    - Obesity in pediatrics
    - Dyslipidemia, Hypercolesterolemia, Hyper Trygliceridemia
    - The growth: normal and pathological
    - Children measuring techniques
    - The percentiles
    - Height genetical target
    - The main causes of short stature:
    o Familial short stature
    o Constitutional delay of growth and puberty
    o Idiopatic short stature
    o Small for gestational age
    - Patological causes of short stature
    o GH deficiency
    o Hypothyroidism
    o Precocious puberty
    o Turner syndrome
    o Noonan syndrome
    o Prader Willi sindrome
    o Silver Russel syndrome
    o Skeletal dysplasias
    - Systemic causes of short stature

    o Gastrointestinal diseases
     Coeliac disease
     Gastro-Exophagus Reflux
     Chron disease

    - Infectious Diseases in children and adolescents (exanthematic and not exanthematic diseases)
    o Measles
    o Rubella
    o Exanthem subitum
    o Erythema Infectiosum (Fifth Disease)
    o Varicella Zoster virus infection (Chicken pox and Zoster)
    o Epstein Barr virus infection
    o Scarlet
    o Kawasaki disease
    o Parotitis

    - Immunization and profilaxis: Recommended immunization schedule in Pediatrics

    - Pediatric Haematology
    o Approach to the anemic child
    o Iron deficiency Anemia
    o Hemolytic Anemia
    o Sickle Cell Disease
    o Thalassemias
    o Approach to the bleeding child: hemostatic disorders
    o Thrombocytopenia
    o Leukemia Acute and Chronic

    - Cardiovascular system in children
    o Physical examination
    o Interpretation of the heart sounds
    o Rapid interpretation of ECG
    o Congenital heart diseases cyanotic and acyanotic
    o Pericarditis
    o Rheumatic fever

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