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    Docenti CSA

    Diego INGROSSO

    Insegnamento di BIOCHIMICA CLINICA

    Corso di laurea magistrale a ciclo unico in MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA (Sede di Napoli)

    SSD: BIO/12

    CFU: 2,00


    Periodo di Erogazione: Secondo Semestre


    Lingua di insegnamento



    Studio di Biochimica Clinica con riferimento alle variazioni nei liquidi biologici di parametri biochimici, biologici, chimici,fisici e le loro correlazioni con patologie dell'uomo. I vari parametri delle diverse matrici biologiche, sono stati trattati in riferimento alle condizioni di normalità (limiti di riferimento, precisione, accuratezza, etc.) e delle principali condizioni patologiche. Vengono, inoltre, discusse le principali tecniche e/o metodiche di analisi (tecniche ottiche, immuno-metriche, citofluorimetriche, biomolecolari).

    Testi di riferimento

    L. Spandrio “Biochimica Clinica”. Sorbona Ed.
    Zatti et Al.. “ Medicina di Laboratorio”. Idelson Gnocchi Ed.
    Sacchetti et Al.”Medicina di Laboratorio- Diagnostica Genetica” Sorbona Ed

    Obiettivi formativi

    Gli studenti devono acquisire conoscenze sull'uso di parametri e variazioni statistiche relative ai principali stati morbosi. Devono, inoltre, avere la capacità di valutare ed identificare le tecniche di analisi più utili per marcatori diagnostici e/o prognostici.


    Gli studenti devono aver sostenuto esami di chimica, biochimica, fisiologia e patologia.

    Metodologie didattiche

    Lezioni frontali e teorico-pratiche.

    Programma del corso

    Fase preanalitica e fattori di variabilità.
    Misura degli errori; Tecniche analitiche usate nei laboratori di Biochimica con particolare riferimento alle tecniche ottiche, immunometriche, citofluorimetriche, di biologia molecolare, di elettroforesi, di enzimologia.
    Biochimica Clinica dell'omeostasi glicidica; dell'equilibrio acido-base, dei marcatori epatici, del metabolismo dell'eme, delle patologie e/o fattori di rischio cardiovascolari, dell'ematologia, delle principali malattie oncologiche, della Sindrome metabolica


    Teaching language



    Clinical Biochemistry studies the biochemical, biological and chemical/ physical changes in biological fluids and their connection with human diseases. During the course the bio-humoral parameters of blood, plasma, serum and urine will be discussed and their normal values in humans will be described. Moreover, some basic notions will be given on the deviations from the mean of this parameters respect to the main human pathologies. In addition, the main techniques used in the laboratory analysis will be described, for example the high-through-put techniques such as two-dimensional electrophoresis and mass spectrometry for proteomic analysis. Finally, it will be discussed the role of clinical biochemistry in the definition of diagnostic and prognostic molecular markers and in the prediction of neoplastic disease response.

    Textbook and course materials

    Class notes and power point presentations. Thomas M. Devlin, “Textbook of Biochemistry with Clinical Correlations” Alisa Peet, Michael A. Lieberman, Allan Marks “Marks' Basic Medical Biochemistry” John W. Baynes, Marek H. Dominiczak “Medical Biochemistry” SUGGESTED TEXTBOOKS TO ADDRESS SPECIFIC TOPICS OF CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY: William J Marshall et Al. “Clinical Biochemistry:Metabolic and Clinical Aspects”, Churchill-Livinston (Elsevier)Nessar Ahmed (Editor): “Clinical Biochemistry”, Oxford University Press

    Course objectives

    The students will gain the ability to evaluate the deviations from the mean values of specific parameters and their connection to human pathologies. Moreover, they will be able to identify the technique of laboratory analysis for the evaluation of diagnostic or prognostic markers of pathology.


    The students must have passed the chemistry exam, and they have to possess basic biochemistry and physics knowledge.

    Teaching methods

    Lessons and laboratory

    Course Syllabus

    Pre-analytical phase (sample collection, patient preparation.)
    Pre-analitycal variability (reliability, precision, accuracy, sensitivity and specificity). Measurements errors.
    Analytical techniques used in clinical biochemical laboratories; particularly photometry or absorption spectrophotometry and fluorimetry. Immuno-chemical techniques. Mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF). Two-dimensional electrophoresis: DIGE and proteome analysis. Cytofluorimetric analysis (FACS).
    Separation and quantization of serum proteins.
    Electrophoresis of serum proteins; separation and quantization of lipoproteins. Enzymatic methods (enzymes as reactive). Assays of enzymatic activities in biological fluids.
    The normal blood count and the automatic blood counters. The typing of blood cells by flow fluorocytometry.
    Clinical Biochemistry of glycemic homeostasis.
    Clinical Biochemistry of acid / base balance.
    Laboratory diagnosis of liver diseases: hepatic cytolysis and cholestasis enzymes.
    Laboratory diagnosis of pancreatitis.
    Electrolyte disturbances.
    Markers of alcoholic damage.
    Heme biosynthesis and degradation: porphyria and jaundice.
    Jaundice: definition and classification. Van Den Bergh Reaction.
    Laboratory diagnosis of heart disease.
    Laboratory diagnosis of kidney disease.
    Clinical molecular biology in blood diseases: thalassemia and sickle cell anemia. Clinical molecular biology in muscular dystrophies.
    Diagnostic and prognostic markers of neoplastic diseases: miRNAs as new disease markers.
    LABORATORY - Exercise 1: methods of tumor cell proliferation assessment in vitro (viability essays); Exercise 2: techniques of cellular proteins expression evaluation (western blotting and FACS)

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