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    Annalisa CAPUANO

    Insegnamento di PHARMACOLOGY 2

    Corso di laurea magistrale a ciclo unico in MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA

    SSD: BIO/14

    CFU: 6,00


    Periodo di Erogazione: Annualità Singola


    Teaching language



    Knowkledge of the correletion of pharmacological informations with medicine and knowledge of the use of drugs in the trearment and prevention of the diseases

    Textbook and course materials

    Book: Rang &Dale’s 8th edition
    Goodmann and Gilmans: The pharmacological basis of therapeutics 11 Edition

    Course objectives

    to acquire the basic principles necessary for the rational use of the drugs in CNS, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastroenteric metabolic diseases and for the rational use of chemotherapic drugs


    knowledge of Biochemistry, physiology, physiopathology

    Teaching methods


    Evaluation methods

    Evaluation of student proficiency is based on oral test (viva voce). The oral exam covers all the aspects of the theory of pharmacology. The questions will be as specific to evaluate the basic knowledge of the topic. The student should be able to discuss on the topic and be able to connect and analyze the different subjects. This means that the student must know the key steps of basic pharmacology, the most relevant for the therapy. Moreover, the student must have a deep knowledge of the most common therapies being able to connect the drugs with diseases. In order to test the acquisition of this ability the student will be asked to solve simple clinical therapeutic oriented problem, e.g recognize a possible drug interaction, the possible adverse reactions and their clinical manifestation. The final grade is expressed in 30/30 were 18 represents the minimum and 30 the maximum and it is established during the oral exam.

    Course Syllabus

    Local hormones and inflammation: NSAIDs, steroids
    Analgesic drugs
    Treatment of epilepsy
    Treatment of Parkinson
    Antipsychotic drugs
    Anxiolytic and hypnotic drugs
    Treatment of depression
    General and local anesthetics
    Treatment of obstructive pulmonary diseases and asthma
    Treatment of arrhythmias
    Treatment of hypertension
    Treatment of heart failure
    Antidyslipidemic and atherosclerosis
    Treatment of gastric acidity, peptic ulcer and GRD
    Anticoagulants, antiplatelet and fibrinolytic drugs
    Targeted therapies: MAb, TKI, cytochines
    Antibacterial drugs
    Antiviral and antifungal drugs

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